# devout_sdl A MacOS specific program to aid students learning how to code by giving them variadic input that fluctuates and is imperfect. ### USAGE ``` ./devout_sdl ./devout_sdl 12 ./devout_sdl 2 ./devout_sdl 2 4 ./devout 3 1 5 ``` The first line will print the available events the user can have printed to the terminal, or tell you that no PS4 controller is connected. The second line prints the PS4's touchpad, sensors data and time to standard output. The third line prints the PS4's axis data and time to standard output. The fourth line prints the PS4's axis data, but only the triggers and time to standard output. The fifth line prints buttons and axis but only dpad and joystick data along with time to standard output. The output is a printed in a comma seperated columns of data corresponding to the choices given in the arguments run with the command. ![How to download and install the program](./images/devout_download_and_install.png) ![Show what devices are available to use and get event info](./images/program_with_no_arguments.png) ![Show what devices are available to use and get event info](./images/output_no_arguments.png) ![Program command for printing a single event](./images/command_for_single_event.png) ![Program output for printing a single event](./images/output_for_single_event.png) ![Program command for printing multiple events](./images/command_for_multiple_arguments.png) ![Program output for printing multiple events](./images/output_for_multiple_arguments.png) ![Program command with a students code](./images/command_with_students_code.png) ![Program output with a students example code](./images/output_for_students_example.png)