diff options
authorotis3761 <>2022-07-23 22:38:20 -0500
committerotis3761 <>2022-07-23 22:38:20 -0500
commit9b6775868d460c8841f2211f20ef4d648fafcd63 (patch)
Because I messed up when switching my last repo from private to publicHEADmain
-rwxr-xr-xa.outbin0 -> 51074 bytes
13 files changed, 18078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..206cb3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+test: wordle.c
+ gcc wordle.c && ./a.out
diff --git a/a.out b/a.out
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bae3d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/a.out
Binary files differ
diff --git a/added_words b/added_words
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..953369c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/added_words
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/games_played b/games_played
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..492dff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games_played
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/large_dict b/large_dict
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc58082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/large_dict
@@ -0,0 +1,8939 @@
diff --git a/removed_words.txt b/removed_words.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24e302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/removed_words.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
+ > aahed
+ > aalii
+ > aargh
+ > abaca
+ > abaci
+ > abaft
+ > abaka
+ > abamp
+ > abase
+ > abate
+ > abaya
+ > abbas
+ > abbes
+ > abbot
+ > abele
+ > abets
+ > abmho
+ > abohm
+ > aboma
+ > abris
+ > abyes
+ > abysm
+ > acari
+ > acerb
+ > aceta
+ > acini
+ > ackee
+ > acmes
+ > acmic
+ > acned
+ > acnes
+ > acrid
+ > actin
+ > acyls
+ > adage
+ > addax
+ > addle
+ > adeem
+ > adieu
+ > adits
+ > adman
+ > admen
+ > admix
+ > adown
+ > adoze
+ > adunc
+ > adust
+ > adyta
+ > adzed
+ > adzes
+ > aecia
+ > aedes
+ > aeons
+ > aerie
+ > afars
+ > afrit
+ > agama
+ > agape
+ > agate
+ > agave
+ > agene
+ > agers
+ > agger
+ > aggro
+ > aghas
+ > agios
+ > agita
+ > aglee
+ > agley
+ > aglow
+ > agmas
+ > agons
+ > agora
+ > agria
+ > agues
+ > ahing
+ > ahull
+ > aioli
+ > airer
+ > airns
+ > airth
+ > airts
+ > aitch
+ > aiver
+ > ajiva
+ > ajuga
+ > akees
+ > akela
+ > akene
+ > alack
+ > alamo
+ > aland
+ > alane
+ > alang
+ > alans
+ > alant
+ > alary
+ > alate
+ > albas
+ > alcid
+ > alder
+ > aldol
+ > alecs
+ > alefs
+ > aleph
+ > alfas
+ > algal
+ > algas
+ > algid
+ > algin
+ > algor
+ > algum
+ > alibi
+ > alifs
+ > aline
+ > alist
+ > aliya
+ > alkie
+ > alkyd
+ > alkyl
+ > allay
+ > allee
+ > allod
+ > allyl
+ > almah
+ > almas
+ > almeh
+ > almes
+ > almud
+ > almug
+ > aloin
+ > altho
+ > altos
+ > alula
+ > alums
+ > alway
+ > amahs
+ > amain
+ > ambit
+ > amble
+ > ambos
+ > ambry
+ > ameba
+ > ameer
+ > amens
+ > ament
+ > amias
+ > amice
+ > amici
+ > amide
+ > amido
+ > amids
+ > amies
+ > amine
+ > amins
+ > amirs
+ > amity
+ > ammos
+ > amnia
+ > amnic
+ > amnio
+ > amoks
+ > amole
+ > amort
+ > amply
+ > ampul
+ > amyls
+ > ancho
+ > ancon
+ > andro
+ > anear
+ > anele
+ > anent
+ > angas
+ > anile
+ > anils
+ > anima
+ > animi
+ > anise
+ > ankhs
+ > ankus
+ > anlas
+ > annas
+ > anoas
+ > anode
+ > anole
+ > anomy
+ > ansae
+ > antae
+ > antas
+ > anted
+ > antes
+ > antis
+ > antra
+ > antre
+ > anyon
+ > apace
+ > apers
+ > apery
+ > aphid
+ > aphis
+ > apian
+ > aping
+ > apnea
+ > apods
+ > aport
+ > appel
+ > apres
+ > apses
+ > apsis
+ > apter
+ > aquae
+ > aquas
+ > araks
+ > arame
+ > arced
+ > arcus
+ > ardeb
+ > ardor
+ > areae
+ > areas
+ > areca
+ > areic
+ > arena
+ > arene
+ > arepa
+ > arete
+ > argal
+ > argil
+ > argle
+ > argol
+ > argot
+ > argus
+ > arhat
+ > arias
+ > ariel
+ > arils
+ > arles
+ > armet
+ > aroid
+ > arpen
+ > arras
+ > arris
+ > arsis
+ > artal
+ > artel
+ > arums
+ > arval
+ > arvos
+ > aryls
+ > asana
+ > ascus
+ > asdic
+ > ashen
+ > asker
+ > askoi
+ > askos
+ > asper
+ > aspic
+ > aspis
+ > assai
+ > assay
+ > asses
+ > aster
+ > asyla
+ > ataps
+ > ataxy
+ > atilt
+ > atman
+ > atmas
+ > atomy
+ > atony
+ > atopy
+ > atrip
+ > attar
+ > audad
+ > aulic
+ > aunty
+ > aurae
+ > aural
+ > aurar
+ > auras
+ > aurei
+ > aures
+ > auric
+ > auris
+ > aurum
+ > auxin
+ > avens
+ > avers
+ > avgas
+ > avion
+ > aviso
+ > awols
+ > axils
+ > axite
+ > axled
+ > axone
+ > ayahs
+ > ayins
+ > azans
+ > azide
+ > azido
+ > azine
+ > azlon
+ > azoic
+ > azole
+ > azons
+ > azote
+ > azoth
+ > azuki
+ > aahed
+ > aalii
+ > aargh
+ > abaca
+ > abaci
+ > abaft
+ > abaka
+ > abamp
+ > abase
+ > abate
+ > abaya
+ > abbas
+ > abbes
+ > abbot
+ > abele
+ > abets
+ > abmho
+ > abohm
+ > aboma
+ > abris
+ > abyes
+ > abysm
+ > acari
+ > acerb
+ > aceta
+ > acini
+ > ackee
+ > acmes
+ > acmic
+ > acned
+ > acnes
+ > acrid
+ > actin
+ > acyls
+ > adage
+ > addax
+ > addle
+ > adeem
+ > adieu
+ > adits
+ > adman
+ > admen
+ > admix
+ > adown
+ > adoze
+ > adunc
+ > adust
+ > adyta
+ > adzed
+ > adzes
+ > aecia
+ > aedes
+ > aeons
+ > aerie
+ > afars
+ > afrit
+ > agama
+ > agape
+ > agate
+ > agave
+ > agene
+ > agers
+ > agger
+ > aggro
+ > aghas
+ > agios
+ > agita
+ > aglee
+ > agley
+ > aglow
+ > agmas
+ > agons
+ > agora
+ > agria
+ > agues
+ > ahing
+ > ahull
+ > aioli
+ > airer
+ > airns
+ > airth
+ > airts
+ > aitch
+ > aiver
+ > ajiva
+ > ajuga
+ > akees
+ > akela
+ > akene
+ > alack
+ > alamo
+ > aland
+ > alane
+ > alang
+ > alans
+ > alant
+ > alary
+ > alate
+ > albas
+ > alcid
+ > alder
+ > aldol
+ > alecs
+ > alefs
+ > aleph
+ > alfas
+ > algal
+ > algas
+ > algid
+ > algin
+ > algor
+ > algum
+ > alibi
+ > alifs
+ > aline
+ > alist
+ > aliya
+ > alkie
+ > alkyd
+ > alkyl
+ > allay
+ > allee
+ > allod
+ > allyl
+ > almah
+ > almas
+ > almeh
+ > almes
+ > almud
+ > almug
+ > aloin
+ > altho
+ > altos
+ > alula
+ > alums
+ > alway
+ > amahs
+ > amain
+ > ambit
+ > amble
+ > ambos
+ > ambry
+ > ameba
+ > ameer
+ > amens
+ > ament
+ > amias
+ > amice
+ > amici
+ > amide
+ > amido
+ > amids
+ > amies
+ > amine
+ > amins
+ > amirs
+ > amity
+ > ammos
+ > amnia
+ > amnic
+ > amnio
+ > amoks
+ > amole
+ > amort
+ > amply
+ > ampul
+ > amyls
+ > ancho
+ > ancon
+ > andro
+ > anear
+ > anele
+ > anent
+ > angas
+ > anile
+ > anils
+ > anima
+ > animi
+ > anise
+ > ankhs
+ > ankus
+ > anlas
+ > annas
+ > anoas
+ > anode
+ > anole
+ > anomy
+ > ansae
+ > antae
+ > antas
+ > anted
+ > antes
+ > antis
+ > antra
+ > antre
+ > anyon
+ > apace
+ > apers
+ > apery
+ > aphid
+ > aphis
+ > apian
+ > aping
+ > apnea
+ > apods
+ > aport
+ > appel
+ > apres
+ > apses
+ > apsis
+ > apter
+ > aquae
+ > aquas
+ > araks
+ > arame
+ > arced
+ > arcus
+ > ardeb
+ > ardor
+ > areae
+ > areas
+ > areca
+ > areic
+ > arena
+ > arene
+ > arepa
+ > arete
+ > argal
+ > argil
+ > argle
+ > argol
+ > argot
+ > argus
+ > arhat
+ > arias
+ > ariel
+ > arils
+ > arles
+ > armet
+ > aroid
+ > arpen
+ > arras
+ > arris
+ > arsis
+ > artal
+ > artel
+ > arums
+ > arval
+ > arvos
+ > aryls
+ > asana
+ > ascus
+ > asdic
+ > ashen
+ > asker
+ > askoi
+ > askos
+ > asper
+ > aspic
+ > aspis
+ > assai
+ > assay
+ > asses
+ > aster
+ > asyla
+ > ataps
+ > ataxy
+ > atilt
+ > atman
+ > atmas
+ > atomy
+ > atony
+ > atopy
+ > atrip
+ > attar
+ > audad
+ > aulic
+ > aunty
+ > aurae
+ > aural
+ > aurar
+ > auras
+ > aurei
+ > aures
+ > auric
+ > auris
+ > aurum
+ > auxin
+ > avens
+ > avers
+ > avgas
+ > avion
+ > aviso
+ > awols
+ > axils
+ > axite
+ > axled
+ > axone
+ > ayahs
+ > ayins
+ > azans
+ > azide
+ > azido
+ > azine
+ > azlon
+ > azoic
+ > azole
+ > azons
+ > azote
+ > azoth
+ > azuki
+ > baaed
+ > baals
+ > babas
+ > babka
+ > babul
+ > babus
+ > bacca
+ > baffs
+ > baffy
+ > bahts
+ > bairn
+ > baith
+ > baiza
+ > baize
+ > balas
+ > balky
+ > bally
+ > banal
+ > banco
+ > banda
+ > bandy
+ > banns
+ > banty
+ > barbe
+ > barca
+ > barde
+ > baric
+ > barms
+ > barmy
+ > barny
+ > barre
+ > barye
+ > baser
+ > bassi
+ > bassy
+ > basts
+ > bated
+ > bates
+ > batik
+ > batts
+ > battu
+ > batty
+ > bauds
+ > baulk
+ > bawds
+ > bawdy
+ > bawls
+ > bawty
+ > bayed
+ > bazar
+ > bazoo
+ > beaky
+ > beano
+ > beaus
+ > beaut
+ > becap
+ > bedel
+ > bedew
+ > bedim
+ > beedi
+ > beery
+ > begat
+ > beget
+ > begot
+ > begum
+ > beigy
+ > belga
+ > belie
+ > belle
+ > belon
+ > bemas
+ > bemix
+ > benes
+ > benne
+ > benni
+ > benny
+ > bento
+ > bergs
+ > berks
+ > berme
+ > berms
+ > berth
+ > beryl
+ > besom
+ > besot
+ > betas
+ > betel
+ > beths
+ > beton
+ > betta
+ > bevor
+ > bewig
+ > bezil
+ > bhang
+ > bhoot
+ > bhuts
+ > biali
+ > bialy
+ > bicep
+ > bices
+ > biddy
+ > bided
+ > bider
+ > bidis
+ > bield
+ > biers
+ > bifid
+ > biggy
+ > bigos
+ > bikie
+ > bilby
+ > bilgy
+ > bilks
+ > bimah
+ > bimas
+ > binal
+ > bindi
+ > biner
+ > bines
+ > binit
+ > bints
+ > biogs
+ > biont
+ > biota
+ > biped
+ > bipod
+ > birks
+ > birle
+ > birls
+ > biros
+ > birse
+ > bises
+ > bitch
+ > bitts
+ > bitty
+ > bizes
+ > blaff
+ > blahs
+ > blain
+ > blams
+ > blase
+ > blate
+ > blats
+ > blawn
+ > blaws
+ > bleat
+ > blebs
+ > blent
+ > blest
+ > blets
+ > blini
+ > blocs
+ > blown
+ > blowy
+ > blubs
+ > blued
+ > bluer
+ > bluet
+ > bluey
+ > blume
+ > blype
+ > boart
+ > bocce
+ > bocci
+ > boche
+ > bocks
+ > boded
+ > boffo
+ > boffs
+ > bogan
+ > boggy
+ > bohea
+ > bohos
+ > boing
+ > boite
+ > bolar
+ > bolas
+ > boles
+ > bolls
+ > bolos
+ > bolus
+ > bombe
+ > boned
+ > boner
+ > bongo
+ > bonks
+ > bonne
+ > bonny
+ > bonze
+ > boobs
+ > booby
+ > boody
+ > boogy
+ > boors
+ > boozy
+ > boral
+ > boras
+ > bores
+ > boric
+ > borks
+ > borne
+ > borts
+ > borty
+ > bortz
+ > bosks
+ > bosky
+ > bosom
+ > boson
+ > bosun
+ > botas
+ > botel
+ > bothy
+ > botts
+ > bough
+ > boule
+ > bourg
+ > bourn
+ > bouse
+ > bousy
+ > bovid
+ > bower
+ > bowse
+ > boyar
+ > boyla
+ > boyos
+ > brach
+ > bract
+ > brads
+ > braes
+ > braky
+ > brank
+ > brant
+ > brava
+ > bravi
+ > braws
+ > braxy
+ > brays
+ > braza
+ > braze
+ > bream
+ > brede
+ > brens
+ > brent
+ > breve
+ > brier
+ > bries
+ > brigs
+ > brill
+ > brins
+ > briny
+ > brios
+ > briss
+ > brith
+ > brits
+ > britt
+ > brock
+ > brome
+ > bromo
+ > bronc
+ > brood
+ > brook
+ > broos
+ > brose
+ > brosy
+ > brugh
+ > bruit
+ > brume
+ > bubal
+ > bubba
+ > bubby
+ > bubus
+ > buffi
+ > buffo
+ > buffy
+ > buhls
+ > buhrs
+ > bulla
+ > bumfs
+ > bumph
+ > bunas
+ > bunco
+ > bunds
+ > bundt
+ > bungs
+ > bunko
+ > bunns
+ > bunya
+ > buoys
+ > buppy
+ > buran
+ > buras
+ > burds
+ > burgh
+ > burgs
+ > burin
+ > burka
+ > burke
+ > burls
+ > burqa
+ > burro
+ > burry
+ > bursa
+ > burse
+ > busby
+ > bused
+ > busks
+ > busty
+ > buteo
+ > butle
+ > butte
+ > butts
+ > butty
+ > butut
+ > butyl
+ > buxom
+ > bwana
+ > bylaw
+ > byres
+ > byrls
+ > byssi
+ > byway
+ > cabal
+ > cabby
+ > caber
+ > cacas
+ > cacti
+ > cades
+ > cadge
+ > cadgy
+ > cadis
+ > cadre
+ > caeca
+ > caffs
+ > cager
+ > cagey
+ > cahow
+ > caids
diff --git a/small_dict b/small_dict
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf82717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/small_dict
@@ -0,0 +1,3859 @@
diff --git a/small_dict.bak b/small_dict.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..104149b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/small_dict.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,3858 @@
diff --git a/test_file b/test_file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac2b0e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_file
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/total_wins b/total_wins
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe4afb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/total_wins
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/win_streak b/win_streak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77ac542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/win_streak
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/wordle.c b/wordle.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c98ffde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wordle.c
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+//TODO: Quordle mode, multiple different length words
+/** Making my own version/clone of the popular "wordle" game. hello
+ * This is more of a way to help me solidfy my knowledge of
+ * programming and the C programming language than it is to
+ * actually play the game, but hopefully in the end this game
+ * pulls it weight in entertainment value.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h> //FILE,printf(),fopen(),fclose(),fgets()
+#include <assert.h> //assert()
+#include <stdlib.h> //rand(),srand(),system()
+#include <time.h> //time()
+#include <string.h> //strncpy()
+#include <inttypes.h> //strtoimax(), int8_t
+#define LARGEDICT 8939
+#define WORDLEN 5
+//#define DEBUG
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define SMALLDICT 3
+static const char* SMALLFILE = "test_file";
+#ifndef DEBUG
+#define SMALLDICT 3858
+static const char* SMALLFILE = "small_dict";
+static const char* LARGEFILE = "large_dict";
+static const char* GAMESPLAYED = "games_played";
+static const char* TOTALWINS = "total_wins";
+static const char* WINSTREAK = "win_streak";
+int main(void)
+ //Open file and make sure it exists
+ FILE* larger_dict_fptr = fopen(LARGEFILE, "r");
+ FILE* smaller_dict_fptr = fopen(SMALLFILE, "r");
+ assert(larger_dict_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ assert(smaller_dict_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ //Get words from both game (SMALL) and user (LARGE) dictionary and store them in two, two dimensional arrays,
+ //then strip the newline character, when done close the file
+ char larger_word_array[LARGEDICT][WORDLEN + 2]; //plus 2 to account for newline character and null character added by fgets
+ char smaller_word_array[SMALLDICT][WORDLEN + 2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < LARGEDICT; ++i) {
+ if (fgets(larger_word_array[i], WORDLEN + 2, larger_dict_fptr) != NULL) { // added 2 to WORDLEN because fgets starts where it left off before
+ assert(larger_word_array[i][WORDLEN+1] == '\0' && "word_array is not holding the characters that it is supposed to");
+ larger_word_array[i][WORDLEN] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(larger_dict_fptr);
+ for (int i = 0; i < SMALLDICT; ++i) {
+ if (fgets(smaller_word_array[i], WORDLEN + 2, smaller_dict_fptr) != NULL) { // added 2 to WORDLEN because fgets starts where it left off before
+ assert(smaller_word_array[i][WORDLEN+1] == '\0' && "word_array is not holding the characters that it is supposed to");
+ smaller_word_array[i][WORDLEN] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(smaller_dict_fptr);
+ //Get random number then store the word in that position in the array to be used for the game
+ char chosen_word[WORDLEN + 1];
+ srand(time(0));
+ int random_num = rand() % SMALLDICT;
+ strncpy(chosen_word, smaller_word_array[random_num], WORDLEN);
+ //Finds the number of duplicate letters in word and stores in corresponding array at same location
+ short int chosen_duplicates[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
+ for (int i = WORDLEN - 1; i > 0; --i) {
+ for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
+ if (chosen_word[i] == chosen_word[j]) {
+ chosen_duplicates[i]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Prepare for user input and let them know they can start playing
+ system("clear");
+ printf("You can now start making your guesses below.\n\n");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("\n\nword is: %s\n\n", chosen_word);
+ //Play game until they win or lose
+ int8_t tries = 0, count = 0, is_a_word = 0, guess_duplicates[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; //used int8_t intead of using char to store a very small # for clarity
+ int number_of_letters = 0;
+ char guess_word[WORDLEN+1];
+ while (count != 5 && tries != 6) {
+ count = 0;
+ is_a_word = 0;
+ number_of_letters = 0;
+ fflush(stdin); //Undefined behavior, but it fixed my problem (maybe while getchar or something later, when less lazy)
+ printf("%d: ", tries + 1);
+ scanf("%6s%n",guess_word, &number_of_letters);
+ //check length of input to make sure it is good
+ if (number_of_letters != (WORDLEN)) {
+ printf("Word is not five letters in length. Please try again.\n");
+ goto A;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < LARGEDICT; ++i) {
+ if (!strcmp(guess_word, larger_word_array[i])) {
+ is_a_word = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_a_word) {
+ printf("Not a valid word, try again.\n");
+ goto A;
+ }
+ //Finds the number of duplicate letters in word and stores in corresponding array at same location
+ for (int i = WORDLEN - 1; i > 0; --i) {
+ for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
+ if (guess_word[i] == guess_word[j]) {
+ guess_duplicates[i]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf(" ");
+ //prints the corresponding symbol depending on if the letter is correct, in the wrong spot or neither
+ for (int i = 0; i < WORDLEN; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < WORDLEN; j++) {
+ if ( guess_word[i] == chosen_word[i] ) {
+ printf("$");
+ ++count;
+ break;
+ } else if ( guess_word[i] == chosen_word[j] ) {
+ if ( !guess_duplicates[i] && guess_word[j] != chosen_word[j]) {
+ printf("*");
+ break;
+ } else {
+ --guess_duplicates[i];
+ }
+ } else if ( j == (WORDLEN - 1) ) {
+ printf("_");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++tries;
+ printf("\n\n\n");
+ }
+ //open three files, that hold information about the total games played, the total wins, and the current win streak and make sure they opened correctly
+ FILE* win_streak_fptr = fopen(WINSTREAK, "r+");
+ FILE* total_wins_fptr = fopen(TOTALWINS, "r+");
+ FILE* total_games_fptr = fopen(GAMESPLAYED, "r+");
+ assert(win_streak_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ assert(total_wins_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ assert(total_games_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ //increment total in total_games by one
+ //if you won, print so, add one to current win streak, and total games won
+ //if you lost, reset win streak total to 0
+ //calculate win percentage from total wins divided by total games times 100
+ //total games, total wins, win streak, win percentage (double)
+ char file_strings[3][11];
+ long int file_ints[3];
+ double win_percentage;
+ char* endptr;
+ enum whichFIle {winStreak = 0, totalWins = 1, totalGames = 2};
+ fscanf(win_streak_fptr, "%10s", file_strings[winStreak]);
+ fscanf(total_wins_fptr, "%10s", file_strings[totalWins]);
+ fscanf(total_games_fptr, "%10s", file_strings[totalGames]);
+ file_ints[winStreak] = strtoimax(file_strings[winStreak],&endptr,10);
+ file_ints[totalWins] = strtoimax(file_strings[totalWins],&endptr,10);
+ file_ints[totalGames] = strtoimax(file_strings[totalGames],&endptr,10);
+ file_ints[totalGames] += 1;
+ if (count == 5) {
+ file_ints[winStreak] += 1;
+ file_ints[totalWins] += 1;
+ printf("You won!\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("You Lost!\n");
+ printf("The word was: %s.\n",chosen_word);
+ file_ints[winStreak] = 0;
+ }
+ win_percentage = ( (double) file_ints[totalWins] / (double) file_ints[totalGames] ) * 100;
+ printf("Your winnning streak is: %ld\nYour winning percentage is: %.2lf\n", file_ints[winStreak], win_percentage);
+ //Return all the values back to their corresponding files and close up shop
+ fseek(win_streak_fptr, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ fseek(total_games_fptr, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ fseek(total_wins_fptr, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ fprintf(win_streak_fptr, "%ld\n", file_ints[winStreak]);
+ fprintf(total_games_fptr, "%ld\n", file_ints[totalGames]);
+ fprintf(total_wins_fptr, "%ld\n", file_ints[totalWins]);
+ fflush(win_streak_fptr);
+ fflush(total_games_fptr);
+ fflush(total_wins_fptr);
+ fclose(win_streak_fptr);
+ fclose(total_games_fptr);
+ fclose(total_wins_fptr);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/wordle.c.bak b/wordle.c.bak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13c74a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wordle.c.bak
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+//TODO: Quordle mode, multiple different length words
+/** Making my own version/clone of the popular "wordle" game. hello
+ * This is more of a way to help me solidfy my knowledge of
+ * programming and the C programming language than it is to
+ * actually play the game, but hopefully in the end this game
+ * pulls it weight in entertainment value.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h> //FILE,printf(),fopen(),fclose(),fgets()
+#include <assert.h> //assert()
+#include <stdlib.h> //rand(),srand(),system()
+#include <time.h> //time()
+#include <string.h> //strncpy()
+#include <inttypes.h> //strtoimax()
+#define LARGEDICT 8939
+#define WORDLEN 5
+//#define DEBUG
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define SMALLDICT 3
+static const char* SMALLFILE = "test_file";
+#ifndef DEBUG
+#define SMALLDICT 3858
+static const char* SMALLFILE = "small_dict";
+static const char* LARGEFILE = "large_dict";
+static const char* GAMESPLAYED = "games_played";
+static const char* TOTALWINS = "total_wins";
+static const char* WINSTREAK = "win_streak";
+int main(void)
+ //Open file and make sure it exists
+ FILE* larger_dict_fptr = fopen(LARGEFILE, "r");
+ FILE* smaller_dict_fptr = fopen(SMALLFILE, "r");
+ assert(larger_dict_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ assert(smaller_dict_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ //Get words from both game (SMALL) and user (LARGE) dictionary and store them in two, two dimensional arrays,
+ //then strip the newline character, when done close the file
+ char larger_word_array[LARGEDICT][WORDLEN + 2]; //plus 2 to account for newline character and null character added by fgets
+ char smaller_word_array[SMALLDICT][WORDLEN + 2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < LARGEDICT; ++i) {
+ if (fgets(larger_word_array[i], WORDLEN + 2, larger_dict_fptr) != NULL) { // added 2 to WORDLEN because fgets starts where it left off before
+ assert(larger_word_array[i][WORDLEN+1] == '\0' && "word_array is not holding the characters that it is supposed to");
+ larger_word_array[i][WORDLEN] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(larger_dict_fptr);
+ for (int i = 0; i < SMALLDICT; ++i) {
+ if (fgets(smaller_word_array[i], WORDLEN + 2, smaller_dict_fptr) != NULL) { // added 2 to WORDLEN because fgets starts where it left off before
+ assert(smaller_word_array[i][WORDLEN+1] == '\0' && "word_array is not holding the characters that it is supposed to");
+ smaller_word_array[i][WORDLEN] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(smaller_dict_fptr);
+ //Get random number then store the word in that position in the array to be used for the game
+ char chosen_word[WORDLEN + 1];
+ srand(time(0));
+ int random_num = rand() % SMALLDICT;
+ strncpy(chosen_word, smaller_word_array[random_num], WORDLEN);
+ short int chosen_duplicates[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
+ //Finds the number of duplicate letters in word and stores in corresponding array at same location
+ for (int i = WORDLEN - 1; i > 0; --i) {
+ for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
+ if (chosen_word[i] == chosen_word[j]) {
+ chosen_duplicates[i]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Prepare for user input and let them know they can start playing
+ system("clear");
+ printf("You can now start making your guesses below.\n\n");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("\n\nword is: %s\n\n", chosen_word);
+ short int tries = 0, count = 0, is_a_word = 0, guess_duplicates[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}, printed_letters = 0;
+ int number_of_letters = 0;
+ char guess_word[WORDLEN+1];
+ //Play game until they win or lose
+ while (count != 5 && tries != 6) {
+ count = 0;
+ is_a_word = 0;
+ number_of_letters = 0;
+ fflush(stdin); //Undefined behavior, but it fixed my problem (maybe while getchar or something later, when less lazy)
+ printf("%d: ", tries + 1);
+ scanf("%6s%n",guess_word, &number_of_letters);
+ //check length of input to make sure it is good
+ if (number_of_letters != (WORDLEN)) {
+ printf("Word is invalid in length. Please try again.\n");
+ goto A;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < LARGEDICT; ++i) {
+ if (!strcmp(guess_word, larger_word_array[i])) {
+ is_a_word = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_a_word) {
+ printf("Not a valid word, try again.\n");
+ goto A;
+ }
+ //Finds the number of duplicate letters in word and stores in corresponding array at same location
+ for (int i = WORDLEN - 1; i > 0; --i) {
+ for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
+ if (guess_word[i] == guess_word[j]) {
+ guess_duplicates[i]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* #ifdef DEBUG */
+/* for (int i = 0; i < WORDLEN; ++i) { */
+/* printf("guess_duplicates[%d] holds: %d\n",i, guess_duplicates[i]); */
+/* } */
+/* #endif */
+ printf(" ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < WORDLEN; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < WORDLEN; j++) {
+ if (guess_word[i] == chosen_word[i]) {
+ printf("$");
+ ++printed_letters;
+ count++;
+ break;
+ } else if (guess_word[i] == chosen_word[j] && guess_word[j] != chosen_word[j]) {
+ if (guess_duplicates[i] == 0) {
+ printf("*");
+ ++printed_letters;
+ ++guess_duplicates[i];
+ break;
+ } else {
+ printf("-");
+ ++printed_letters;
+ --guess_duplicates[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if ( j == WORDLEN - 1 && printed_letters < 5) {
+ printf("_");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tries++;
+ printf("\n\n\n");
+ }
+ //open three files, that hold information about the total games played, the total wins, and the current win streak and make sure they opened correctly
+ FILE* win_streak_fptr = fopen(WINSTREAK, "r+");
+ FILE* total_wins_fptr = fopen(TOTALWINS, "r+");
+ FILE* total_games_fptr = fopen(GAMESPLAYED, "r+");
+ assert(win_streak_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ assert(total_wins_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ assert(total_games_fptr != NULL && "File pointer returned NULL, make sure file exists and is spelled correctly");
+ //increment total in total_games by one
+ //if you won, print so, add one to current win streak, and total games won
+ //if you lost, reset win streak total to 0
+ //calculate win percentage from total wins divided by total games times 100
+ //total games, total wins, win streak, win percentage (double)
+ char file_strings[3][11];
+ long int file_ints[3];
+ double win_percentage;
+ char* endptr;
+ enum whichFIle {winStreak = 0, totalWins = 1, totalGames = 2};
+ fscanf(win_streak_fptr, "%10s", file_strings[winStreak]);
+ fscanf(total_wins_fptr, "%10s", file_strings[totalWins]);
+ fscanf(total_games_fptr, "%10s", file_strings[totalGames]);
+ file_ints[winStreak] = strtoimax(file_strings[winStreak],&endptr,10);
+ file_ints[totalWins] = strtoimax(file_strings[totalWins],&endptr,10);
+ file_ints[totalGames] = strtoimax(file_strings[totalGames],&endptr,10);
+ file_ints[totalGames] += 1;
+ if (count == 5) {
+ file_ints[winStreak] += 1;
+ file_ints[totalWins] += 1;
+ printf("You won!\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("You Lost!\n");
+ printf("The word was: %s.\n",chosen_word);
+ file_ints[winStreak] = 0;
+ }
+ win_percentage = ( (double) file_ints[totalWins] / (double) file_ints[totalGames] ) * 100;
+ printf("Your winnning streak is: %ld\nYour winning percentage is: %.2lf\n", file_ints[winStreak], win_percentage);
+ //Return all the values back to their corresponding files and close up shop
+ fseek(win_streak_fptr, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ fseek(total_games_fptr, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ fseek(total_wins_fptr, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ fprintf(win_streak_fptr, "%ld\n", file_ints[winStreak]);
+ fprintf(total_games_fptr, "%ld\n", file_ints[totalGames]);
+ fprintf(total_wins_fptr, "%ld\n", file_ints[totalWins]);
+ fflush(win_streak_fptr);
+ fflush(total_games_fptr);
+ fflush(total_wins_fptr);
+ fclose(win_streak_fptr);
+ fclose(total_games_fptr);
+ fclose(total_wins_fptr);
+ return 0;