From 9b6775868d460c8841f2211f20ef4d648fafcd63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: otis3761 Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2022 22:38:20 -0500 Subject: Because I messed up when switching my last repo from private to public --- small_dict.bak | 3858 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 3858 insertions(+) create mode 100644 small_dict.bak (limited to 'small_dict.bak') diff --git a/small_dict.bak b/small_dict.bak new file mode 100644 index 0000000..104149b --- /dev/null +++ b/small_dict.bak @@ -0,0 +1,3858 @@ +aback +abash +abbey +abeam +abhor +abide +abled +abler +ables +abode +aboil +aboon +abort +about +above +abuse +abuts +abuzz +abyss +ached +aches +achoo +acids +acidy +acing +acock +acold +acorn +acred +acres +acted +actor +acute +adapt +added +adder +adept +adios +admit +adobe +adobo +adopt +adore +adorn +adult +aegis +affix +afire +afoot +afore +afoul +after +again +agars +agaze +agent +aggie +agile +aging +agism +agist +aglet +agone +agony +agree +ahead +ahold +aided +aider +aides +ailed +aimed +aimer +aired +aisle +alarm +album +alert +algae +alias +alien +align +alike +alive +alley +allot +allow +alloy +aloes +aloft +aloha +alone +along +aloof +aloud +alpha +altar +alter +amass +amaze +amber +amend +amiga +amigo +amino +amiss +among +amour +amped +ample +amuck +amuse +angel +anger +angle +anglo +angry +angst +anime +anion +ankle +annal +annex +annoy +annul +antic +antsy +anvil +aorta +apart +apeak +apeek +apish +appal +apple +apply +apron +aptly +arbor +areal +argon +argue +arise +armed +armer +armor +aroma +arose +array +arrow +arses +arson +artsy +ascot +ashed +ashes +aside +asked +askew +aspen +asset +astir +atlas +atoll +atoms +atone +atria +attic +audio +audit +auger +aught +augur +aunts +autos +avail +avant +avast +avert +avian +avoid +avows +await +awake +award +aware +awash +awful +awing +awned +awoke +axels +axial +axile +axing +axiom +axion +axles +axman +axmen +axons +azure +babel +babes +baboo +backs +bacon +baddy +badge +badly +bagel +baggy +bails +baits +baked +baker +bakes +balds +baldy +baled +baler +bales +balks +balls +balms +balmy +balsa +bands +baned +banes +bangs +banjo +banks +barbs +bards +bared +barer +bares +barfs +barge +barks +barky +barns +baron +basal +based +bases +basic +basil +basin +basis +basks +basso +baste +batch +bathe +baths +baton +bayou +beach +beads +beady +beaks +beams +beamy +beans +beard +bears +beast +beats +beaux +bebop +becks +beech +beefs +beefy +beeps +beers +beets +befit +befog +began +begin +begun +beige +being +belay +belch +bells +belly +below +belts +bench +bends +bendy +bents +beret +berry +beses +beset +bests +bevel +bezel +bibbs +bible +bides +bidet +biffs +biffy +bight +bigly +bigot +bijou +biked +biker +bikes +bilbo +biles +bilge +bills +billy +bimbo +binds +binge +bingo +biome +birch +birds +birrs +birth +bisks +bison +biter +bites +bitsy +blabs +black +blade +blame +bland +blank +blare +blast +blaze +bleak +blear +bleed +bleep +blend +bless +blimp +blimy +blind +blink +blips +bliss +blite +blitz +bloat +blobs +block +blogs +bloke +blond +blood +bloom +bloop +blots +blows +blues +bluff +blunt +blurb +blurs +blurt +blush +board +boars +boast +boats +bobby +bodes +bogey +bogie +bogle +bogus +boils +boink +bolds +bolts +bombs +bonds +bones +boney +bongs +bonus +booed +books +booms +boomy +boons +boost +booth +boots +booty +booze +borax +bored +borer +boron +bossy +botch +bound +bouts +bowed +bowel +bowls +boxed +boxer +boxes +bozos +brace +brags +braid +brail +brain +brake +brand +brans +brash +brass +brats +brave +bravo +brawl +brawn +bread +break +breed +brees +brews +briar +bribe +brick +bride +brief +brims +brine +bring +brink +brisk +broad +broil +broke +broom +broth +brown +brows +bruin +brung +brunt +brush +brusk +brute +bruts +bucko +bucks +buddy +budge +buffs +buggy +bugle +build +built +bulbs +bulge +bulgy +bulks +bulky +bulls +bully +bumps +bumpy +bunch +bunks +bunny +bunts +burbs +buret +burly +burns +burnt +burps +burrs +burst +buses +bushy +busts +butch +butes +buyer +bytes +cabin +cable +cabob +cacao +cache +caddy +cadet +cafes +caged +cages +cains +cajon +caked +cakes +calfs +calls +calms +calve +camel +cameo +camps +canal +candy +caned +canes +canny +canoe +canon +cants +caped +caper +capes +carbs +cards +cared +carer +cares +caret +cargo +carol +carry +carts +carve +cased +cases +casts +catch +cause +caved +caver +caves +cease +cedar +ceder +cedes +ceils +celeb +cello +cells +celts +cense +cents +chafe +chain +chair +chalk +champ +chant +chaos +chard +charm +chars +chart +chase +chats +cheap +cheat +check +cheek +cheer +chefs +chemo +chess +chest +chevy +chews +chewy +chick +chide +chief +child +chile +chili +chill +chime +chimp +china +chins +chips +chirp +chive +choir +choke +chomp +chops +chord +chore +chose +chows +chubs +chuck +chump +chums +chunk +churn +chute +chyme +cider +cigar +cinch +circa +cisco +cists +cited +cites +civic +civil +clads +claim +clamp +clams +clang +clank +clans +claps +clash +clasp +class +claws +clean +clear +cleat +cleft +clerk +click +cliff +climb +cling +clink +clips +cloak +clock +clogs +clone +close +cloth +cloud +clout +clown +clubs +cluck +clued +clues +clump +clung +clunk +coach +coals +coast +coats +cobra +cocky +cocoa +codec +coded +coder +codes +coeds +coils +coins +cokes +colds +colon +color +colts +comas +combo +combs +comes +comet +comfy +comic +comma +commy +conch +condo +coned +cones +cooks +cooky +cools +coons +coops +copay +coral +cords +corgi +corks +corny +corps +costs +couch +could +count +coupe +court +cover +cowed +cower +cowls +cozey +crabs +crack +craft +cramp +crams +crane +crank +crash +crass +crate +crave +crawl +craze +crazy +creak +cream +creed +creek +creep +creme +crepe +crept +crest +crews +cribs +crick +cried +crier +cries +crime +crimp +cripe +crisp +croak +crock +crocs +croft +crony +crook +crops +cross +crowd +crown +crows +crude +cruel +crumb +crush +crust +crypt +cubby +cubed +cubes +cubit +cuffs +cults +cupid +curbs +curds +cured +cures +curls +curly +curry +curse +curve +curvy +cusps +cutie +cutup +cyber +cycle +cysts +daddy +daffy +daily +dairy +daisy +dally +dames +damns +damps +dance +dandy +dared +dares +darts +dated +dates +dawns +dazed +dazes +deads +deals +dealt +deans +dears +death +debit +debts +debug +debut +decaf +decal +decay +decks +decor +decoy +deeds +deedy +deers +defer +defog +deism +deity +delay +dells +delly +delta +delve +demon +demos +denim +dense +dents +depot +depth +derby +derma +desks +deter +detox +deuce +devil +dials +diary +diced +dices +dicey +diets +digit +dilly +dimes +dimly +dined +diner +dings +dingy +dinks +dinos +diode +dirty +disco +discs +dishy +disks +ditch +ditto +ditzy +divas +dived +diver +dives +dizzy +docks +dodge +dodgy +doers +doggo +doggy +dogma +doing +dolls +dolly +domed +domes +donor +donut +dooms +doomy +doors +doozy +doped +dopes +dopey +dorks +dorky +dorms +dosed +doses +doted +doubt +dough +douse +doves +dowed +dowel +downs +downy +dowry +dowse +dozed +dozen +draft +drags +drain +drake +drama +drank +drape +drawn +draws +dream +dress +dried +drier +dries +drift +drill +drink +drips +drive +droid +drone +drool +droop +drops +drove +drown +drugs +drums +drunk +dryer +duces +duchy +ducks +ducts +dudes +duels +duets +dufus +duked +dukes +dulls +dumbo +dumbs +dummy +dumps +dunce +dunes +dunks +duped +dupes +dusky +dusts +dusty +dutch +duvet +dwarf +dweeb +dwell +dwelt +dying +eager +eagle +earls +early +earns +earth +eased +easel +eases +eaten +eater +ebony +ebook +echos +edged +edger +edges +edict +edits +eerie +egged +eight +eject +elate +elbow +elder +elect +elope +elude +elves +email +embed +ember +emits +emote +empty +enact +enate +ended +endow +enema +enemy +enjoy +enrol +ensue +entry +envoy +enzym +epoch +epoxy +equal +equip +erase +erect +erode +erose +error +erupt +essay +ethic +ethos +ethyl +evade +event +evert +every +evict +evoke +exact +exalt +exams +excel +execs +exert +exile +exist +exits +expel +extra +exude +exult +exurb +eying +fable +faced +faces +facet +facts +faded +fades +fails +faint +fairs +fairy +faith +faked +faker +fakes +falls +false +famed +fancy +fangs +farad +farce +fared +farer +fares +farms +farts +fasts +fatal +fates +fatty +fault +fauns +faves +favor +fawns +faxed +faxes +fazed +fazes +fears +feast +feats +feces +feeds +feels +feint +fella +felon +femur +fence +ferns +ferry +fetal +fetch +fetus +feuds +feued +fever +fewer +fezes +fiats +fiber +ficus +fidge +field +fiend +fiery +fifth +fifty +fight +filch +filed +filer +files +filet +fills +films +filmy +filth +final +finch +finds +fined +finer +fines +fired +fires +firms +first +fishy +fists +fiver +fives +fixed +fixer +fixes +fizzy +flabs +flack +flags +flail +flair +flake +flaky +flame +flank +flaps +flare +flash +flask +flats +flaws +fleas +fleck +flees +fleet +flesh +flick +flied +flier +flies +fling +flips +flirt +float +flock +flood +floor +flops +flora +floss +flour +flown +flows +fluff +fluid +fluke +flung +flunk +flush +flute +flyby +flyer +foams +foamy +focal +focus +foggy +foils +folds +folio +folks +folly +fondu +fonts +foods +fools +footy +force +forge +forgo +forks +forms +forte +forth +forts +forty +forum +fouls +found +fours +fowls +foxes +foyer +frail +frame +frank +frats +fraud +frays +freak +freed +freer +frees +fresh +frets +friar +fried +frier +fries +frill +frisk +fritz +frogs +front +frost +frown +froze +fruit +fryer +fudge +fuels +fugal +fully +fumed +fumes +funds +fungi +funky +funny +furor +furry +fused +fuses +fussy +futon +fuzed +fuzes +fuzzy +gable +gaffe +gaffs +gains +galas +galop +gamas +gambs +gamed +gamer +games +gamma +gaped +gapes +gasps +gassy +gated +gater +gates +gator +gaudy +gauge +gauze +gavel +gawks +gazed +gazes +gears +gecko +geeks +geeky +geese +genes +genie +genre +gents +germs +getup +ghost +ghoul +giant +giddy +gifts +gills +gipsy +girly +girth +gists +given +giver +gland +glare +glass +glaze +gleam +glean +glide +glint +glitz +gloat +globe +globs +gloom +glory +gloss +glove +glows +glued +glues +gluey +glute +glyph +gnarl +gnats +gnome +goals +goats +godly +gofer +going +golfs +golly +gonad +goner +goods +goody +gooey +goofs +goofy +goons +goose +gored +goths +gouge +grace +grade +grads +grail +grain +grand +grant +grape +graph +grasp +grass +grate +grave +gravy +great +greed +greek +green +grids +grief +grift +grill +grime +grimy +grind +grins +gripe +grips +grits +groan +groin +groom +grope +gross +group +grove +growl +grown +grows +grubs +gruel +grump +grunt +guard +guava +guess +guest +guide +guild +guilt +guise +gulag +gulps +gumbo +gummy +gunks +gunky +guppy +gushy +gusto +gusts +gusty +gutsy +gypsy +gyros +gyved +gyves +habit +hacks +hades +haiku +hails +hairs +hairy +halal +haled +hales +hallo +halls +halts +hands +handy +hangs +hanks +happy +hardy +harem +hares +harks +harms +harps +harpy +harry +harsh +haste +hasty +hatch +hated +hater +hates +hauls +haunt +haven +havoc +hawks +hazed +hazel +heads +heals +heaps +heard +hears +heart +heath +heats +heave +heavy +hedge +heels +hefts +hefty +heirs +heist +helix +hello +helms +helps +hence +herbs +herds +heros +hertz +hexed +hexes +hicks +hided +hider +hides +highs +hight +hijab +hiked +hiker +hikes +hills +hilly +hinge +hints +hippo +hippy +hired +hires +hissy +hists +hitch +hives +hoard +hoars +hobby +hobos +hocus +hoist +hokey +holds +holed +holes +holey +holla +hollo +holly +homed +homes +homey +homie +homos +honed +hones +honey +honks +honor +hooch +hoods +hoody +hoofs +hooka +hooks +hoops +hoots +hoped +hopes +horde +horns +horny +horse +horsy +hosed +hoses +hosts +hotel +hotly +hound +hours +house +hover +howdy +howls +hubby +huger +hulks +hulls +human +humid +humor +humps +humus +hunch +hunks +hunky +hunts +hurds +hurls +hurry +hurts +husks +husky +hydro +hyena +hymen +hymns +hyped +hyper +hypes +icier +icing +icons +ideal +ideas +idiom +idiot +idled +idler +idles +idols +igloo +iliad +image +imbed +imply +incur +index +indie +inept +inert +infer +infix +ingot +inked +inlay +inlet +inner +input +intro +ionic +irate +irked +irony +issue +itchy +items +ivory +jacal +jacks +jaded +jades +jails +japan +jazzy +jeans +jeeps +jello +jells +jelly +jerks +jerry +jewel +jiffy +jihad +jimmy +jinks +jocko +jocks +joeys +johns +joins +joint +joist +joked +joker +jokes +jolly +jolts +joule +joust +judge +juice +juicy +jujus +juked +jukes +jumbo +jumps +jumpy +junks +junky +juror +kabob +kakis +karma +karts +kayak +keens +keeps +kelps +kelpy +kempt +ketch +keyed +khaki +khans +kicks +kiddo +kiddy +kills +kilts +kinds +kings +kinks +kinky +kiosk +kissy +kites +kitty +kiwis +klick +klutz +knack +knave +knead +kneed +kneel +knees +knelt +knife +knits +knobs +knock +knots +known +knows +koala +kooky +kraft +kudos +label +labia +labor +laced +laces +lacks +laden +ladle +lairs +laker +lakes +lambs +lamps +lands +lanes +lapel +lapse +lards +lares +large +largo +larks +larva +laser +lasso +lasts +latch +later +latex +lathe +lauds +laugh +lawns +layed +layer +layup +leach +leads +leafs +leafy +leaks +leaky +leans +leant +leaps +leapt +learn +leary +lease +leash +least +leave +leavy +ledge +leeks +lefty +legal +legit +lemon +lemur +lends +lense +level +lever +lewis +liars +libel +libra +licht +licit +licks +lidar +lifts +light +liked +liken +likes +lilac +limbo +limbs +limes +limit +limps +lined +linen +liner +lines +lingo +links +lints +lions +lipid +lisps +lists +liter +lived +liver +lives +livid +llama +loads +loafs +loans +loath +lobby +lobed +lobes +local +lochs +locks +locus +lodge +lofts +lofty +logic +login +logos +loins +loner +loofa +looks +looms +loops +loopy +loose +lords +loser +loses +lossy +lotus +lousy +loved +lover +loves +lower +lowly +loyal +lubed +lubes +lucid +lucky +lulls +lumen +lumps +lumpy +lunar +lunch +lungs +lunks +lupus +lurch +lured +lures +lurks +lusts +lusty +lying +lymph +lynch +lyric +maced +maces +macho +macro +madam +madly +madre +mafia +mages +magic +magma +magot +maids +maims +mains +maize +major +maker +makes +males +malls +malts +mamma +mange +mango +mangy +mania +manic +manly +manor +maple +march +mares +marks +marsh +masks +masts +match +mated +mates +maths +mauls +mayan +maybe +mayor +mazed +mazes +meads +meals +means +meant +meany +meats +meaty +mecca +medal +media +medic +meets +melds +melon +melts +memes +memos +mends +mensa +menus +meows +merch +mercy +merge +merit +merry +mesas +meshy +metal +meter +metro +micro +midst +might +miked +mikes +miles +milks +milky +mimed +mimes +mimic +mince +minds +mined +miner +mines +minks +minor +mints +minty +minus +mirky +missy +mists +misty +mites +mitts +mixed +mixer +mixes +mixup +moans +moats +mocha +mocks +modal +model +modem +modes +modus +mogul +moist +molar +molds +moldy +moles +momma +mommy +monad +money +monks +monte +month +mooch +moods +moody +moons +moors +moose +moped +mopes +mopey +moral +moron +morph +morse +mossy +motel +motes +moths +motif +motor +motto +mould +mound +mount +mourn +mouse +mousy +mouth +moved +mover +moves +movie +mowed +mower +moxie +mucho +mucky +muddy +muffs +muggs +muggy +mulch +mulls +mumms +mummy +munch +mural +murks +murky +mused +muser +muses +mushy +music +musks +musky +musty +muted +mutes +muton +mutts +mylar +myths +nacho +naggy +nails +naive +naked +naled +named +namer +names +nancy +nanny +narcs +narks +narky +nasal +nasty +naval +navel +nazis +nears +necks +needs +needy +neons +nerds +nerdy +nerts +nertz +nerve +nests +never +neves +nevus +newer +newly +newsy +nexus +nicer +niche +nicks +niece +nieve +nifty +night +nines +ninja +ninth +nippy +nitro +nixed +nixes +noble +nocks +noddy +nodes +noels +nohow +noirs +noise +noisy +nomad +nomas +nooks +nooky +noons +noose +norms +north +nosed +noses +nosey +notch +noted +noter +notes +nouns +novel +noway +nubby +nudge +nuked +nukes +nulls +numbs +nurse +nutsy +nutty +nylon +nymph +oared +oasis +oaths +obese +obeys +obits +oboes +occur +ocean +octal +octet +oddly +odium +odors +offed +offer +often +ogres +oiled +oiler +oinks +okays +olden +older +oldie +olive +ombre +omega +omens +omits +onery +onion +onset +oohed +oomph +oozed +oozes +opals +opens +opera +opine +opium +opted +optic +orals +orbit +orcas +order +organ +ortho +osmic +other +otter +ought +ounce +ousts +outdo +outed +outgo +ovals +ovary +ovens +overt +owned +owner +oxide +ozone +paced +pacer +paces +packs +pacts +padle +padre +pagan +paged +pager +pages +pails +pains +paint +pairs +paled +paler +pales +palet +palms +palmy +palsy +panda +paned +panel +panes +panic +pansy +pants +papal +papas +paper +parch +pared +paris +parks +parol +parse +parts +party +pasta +paste +pasty +patch +paths +patio +patsy +pause +paved +paver +paves +pawns +payed +payee +payer +peace +peach +peaks +peaky +peals +pearl +pears +pecan +pecks +pecky +pedal +pedro +peeks +peels +peeps +peers +peeve +pelts +penal +pence +penne +penny +peons +peppy +perch +peril +perks +perky +perms +perps +pervs +pesky +pesos +pesto +pests +petal +peter +petty +pewee +phase +phone +phony +photo +piano +picks +picky +piece +piers +piggy +pigmy +piked +pikes +piled +piles +pills +pilot +pimps +pinch +pined +pines +piney +pings +pinks +pinky +pinto +pints +pinup +pions +pious +piped +piper +pipes +pitch +pivot +pixel +pixie +pizza +place +plaid +plain +plane +plank +plans +plant +plasm +plate +playa +plays +plaza +plead +pleas +plebe +plebs +plied +plier +plies +plops +plots +plows +ploys +pluck +plugs +plumb +plume +plump +plums +plunk +plush +plyer +poach +podgy +poems +poets +point +poise +poked +poker +pokes +pokey +polar +poled +poler +poles +polio +polka +polls +polos +ponds +pones +pongs +pooch +poofs +poofy +pools +poops +popes +poppy +porch +pored +pores +porks +porky +ports +posed +poser +poses +posit +posse +posts +potsy +potty +pouch +pound +pours +pouts +pouty +power +prank +prays +preen +preps +press +preys +price +prick +pricy +pride +pried +pries +prime +primo +primp +prims +print +prior +prise +prism +priss +privy +prize +probe +prods +promo +proms +prone +prong +proof +props +prose +proud +prove +prowl +proxy +prude +prune +psalm +psych +pucks +pudgy +puffs +puffy +puggy +puked +pukes +pulls +pulps +pulpy +pulse +pumps +punch +punks +punky +punny +punts +pupal +pupil +puppy +puree +purge +purse +pushy +putts +putty +pygmy +pylon +pyrex +quack +quads +quail +quake +quaky +quale +qualm +quark +quart +quash +quasi +qubit +queen +queer +quell +query +quest +queue +quick +quiet +quill +quilt +quips +quirk +quite +quits +quota +quote +rabbi +rabid +raced +racer +races +racks +radar +radii +radio +radix +radon +rafts +raged +rages +raggs +raggy +raids +rails +rains +rainy +raise +raked +raker +rakes +rally +ramen +ramps +ranch +range +ranks +rapid +raspy +rated +rates +ratio +ratty +raved +raven +raves +razer +razor +reach +react +readd +reads +ready +realm +reals +reams +reaps +rears +rebar +rebel +rebut +rebuy +recap +recks +recon +recur +redip +redly +redos +redox +redry +redub +redye +reeds +reefs +reeks +reeky +reels +refer +refit +refix +refly +refry +regal +rehab +reign +reins +rekey +relax +relay +relet +relit +remap +remix +renew +renig +rents +repay +repeg +repel +reply +repos +repot +rerun +resaw +resay +reset +resew +resin +resit +resod +resow +rests +retag +retax +retch +retro +retry +reuse +revet +revue +rewax +rewet +rhino +rhyme +riced +ricer +rices +ricin +rider +rides +ridge +ridgy +rifle +rifts +right +rigid +rigor +riled +riles +rings +rinse +riots +riped +ripen +riper +ripes +risen +riser +rises +risks +risky +rival +river +rivet +roach +roads +roams +roars +roast +robed +robes +robin +robot +rocks +rocky +rodeo +roger +rogue +roles +rolls +roman +romeo +romps +rondo +roofs +rooks +rooms +roomy +roost +roots +rooty +roped +roper +ropes +rosed +roses +rotor +rough +round +rouse +route +routs +roven +rowdy +rowed +royal +rubel +ruble +ruddy +rugby +ruins +ruled +ruler +rules +rummy +rumor +rungs +runny +runts +rupee +rural +rusts +rusty +saber +sacks +sadly +safer +safes +saggy +sails +saint +sakes +salad +sales +salon +salsa +salts +salty +salve +samba +sands +sandy +sappy +sarge +sassy +satyr +sauce +saucy +sauna +saved +saver +saves +savin +savor +savvy +sawed +sayer +scabs +scald +scale +scalp +scamp +scams +scans +scant +scare +scarf +scars +scary +scene +scent +scoff +scold +scone +scoop +scoot +scope +score +scorn +scour +scout +scowl +scram +scrap +screw +scrub +scrum +scuba +scuff +sculk +scull +sculp +seals +seams +seamy +sears +seats +sebum +sects +sedan +seeds +seedy +seeks +seels +seems +seeps +seepy +seers +seize +selfs +sells +semes +semis +sends +sense +serfs +serge +serif +serum +serve +servo +setup +seven +sever +sewed +sewer +sexes +shack +shade +shady +shaft +shake +shaky +shale +shame +shams +shank +shape +shard +share +shark +sharp +sheds +sheep +sheer +sheet +shelf +shell +shift +shill +shims +shine +shins +shiny +ships +shire +shirt +shock +shoed +shoer +shoes +shone +shook +shoos +shoot +shops +shore +short +shots +shout +shove +shown +shows +showy +shred +shrub +shrug +shuck +shuns +shunt +shush +shuts +sicko +sicks +sided +sides +siege +sifts +sighs +sight +sigma +signs +sikes +silks +silky +silly +silos +simps +since +singe +sings +sinks +sinus +siren +sissy +sited +sites +situp +sixes +sixth +sixty +sized +sizes +skald +skank +skate +skeet +skews +skids +skied +skier +skies +skill +skimp +skins +skips +skirt +skits +skulk +skull +skunk +slabs +slack +slain +slams +slang +slant +slaps +slash +slate +slats +slave +slays +sleds +sleek +sleep +sleet +slept +slice +slick +slide +slime +slims +slimy +sling +slink +slips +slipt +slits +slope +slops +slosh +sloth +slots +slows +slugs +slump +slums +slung +slurp +slurs +slush +smack +small +smart +smash +smear +smell +smelt +smile +smirk +smoke +smoky +snack +snafu +snags +snail +snake +snaky +snaps +snare +snarf +sneak +sneer +snide +sniff +snipe +snips +snobs +snogs +snoop +snore +snort +snots +snout +snows +snowy +snuck +snuff +soaks +soaps +soapy +soars +sober +socks +sodas +sofar +softy +soggy +soils +solar +soled +soles +solid +solon +solos +solus +solve +sonar +songs +sonic +sorts +souls +sound +soups +soupy +sours +south +space +spacy +spade +spank +spans +spare +spark +spars +spasm +spats +spawn +spazz +speak +spear +speck +specs +speed +spell +spelt +spend +spent +spews +spice +spick +spicy +spied +spies +spiff +spike +spiky +spill +spilt +spine +spins +spiny +spire +spirt +spite +spits +splat +split +spoil +spoke +spoof +spook +spool +spoon +sport +spots +spout +spray +spree +spuds +spued +spues +spunk +spurn +spurs +squad +squat +squib +squid +stabs +stack +staff +stage +stags +stain +stair +stake +stale +stalk +stall +stamp +stand +stang +stank +stare +stark +stars +start +stash +state +stats +stays +stead +steak +steal +steam +steel +steep +steer +stems +stent +steps +stern +stick +stiff +still +stilt +stimy +sting +stink +stint +stipe +stirs +stock +stoic +stoke +stole +stomp +stone +stony +stood +stool +stoop +stops +stopt +store +stork +storm +story +stoup +stout +stove +stows +strap +straw +stray +strep +strew +strip +strut +stubs +stuck +studs +stuff +stump +stunk +stuns +stunt +style +suave +sucks +sucky +sudds +sudsy +suede +sugar +suing +suite +sunny +super +surfs +surge +surly +sushi +swabs +swamp +swank +swans +swaps +swarm +swats +sways +swear +sweat +sweep +sweet +swell +swept +swift +swims +swine +swing +swipe +swirl +swish +swiss +swoop +sword +swore +sworn +swung +syncs +syrup +tabby +table +taboo +tacks +tacky +tacos +tacts +taffy +tails +taint +taken +taker +takes +tales +talks +talky +talon +tamed +tames +tango +tangs +tangy +tanks +taped +taper +tapes +tardy +tarot +tarps +tasks +taste +tasty +taunt +taxed +taxer +taxes +teach +teams +tears +teary +tease +techs +techy +teddy +teems +teens +teeny +teeth +tells +telly +tempo +temps +tempt +tends +tenet +tenor +tense +tenth +tents +tepee +tepid +terms +tesla +tests +testy +texas +texts +thank +thaws +theft +their +theme +there +these +thick +thief +thigh +thing +think +thins +third +thorn +those +threw +throb +throw +thuds +thugs +thumb +thump +thunk +thyme +tiara +ticks +tidal +tides +tiers +tiger +tight +tilde +tiled +tiles +tilts +timed +timer +times +timid +tints +tipsy +tired +tires +tithe +title +tizzy +toads +toast +today +togas +toils +token +tolls +tombs +tomes +toned +toner +tones +tongs +tonic +tools +toons +tooth +topaz +topic +torah +torch +torso +torta +total +toted +totem +toter +totes +touch +tough +tours +touts +towed +towel +tower +towns +towny +toxic +toxin +toyed +trace +track +tract +trade +trail +train +trait +tramp +trams +traps +trash +tread +treat +trees +treks +trend +triad +trial +tribe +trice +trick +tried +trier +tries +trike +trims +trips +troll +troop +trope +trots +trout +trove +truce +truck +truly +trump +trunk +truss +trust +truth +tsars +tubby +tubed +tubes +tucks +tufts +tulip +tummy +tumor +tunas +tuned +tuner +tunes +tungs +tunic +turbo +turds +turfs +turks +turns +tushy +tusks +tutor +tuxes +twang +twats +tweak +tweed +tween +tweet +twerp +twice +twigs +twine +twins +twirl +twirp +twist +twixt +tying +typed +types +tzars +udder +ulcer +ultra +umber +umbra +umped +unarm +unban +unbar +unbid +unbox +uncap +uncle +uncut +undee +under +undid +undue +unfed +unfit +unfix +unify +union +unite +units +unity +unjam +unlit +unmix +unpeg +unpen +unpin +unrig +unset +until +unwed +unzip +upend +upper +upset +urban +urged +urine +usage +users +usher +using +usual +usurp +utter +vague +vails +valet +valid +valor +value +valve +vamps +vapid +vapor +vasal +vases +vasts +vault +veers +vegan +veges +vegie +veils +veins +veiny +venom +vents +venue +venus +verbs +verge +verse +vests +vexed +vexer +vexes +vials +vibes +vicar +viced +vices +video +views +vigil +vigor +villa +vined +vines +vinyl +viola +viper +viral +virus +vised +vises +visit +visor +vista +vital +vivid +vixen +vocab +vocal +vodka +vogue +voice +voids +voila +volta +volte +volts +volva +vomit +voted +voter +votes +vouch +vowed +vowel +vroom +vulva +vying +wacko +wacks +wacky +waded +wader +wades +wafer +waged +wager +wages +wagon +wails +wains +waist +waits +waive +waked +waken +wakes +waled +wales +walks +walls +waltz +wands +waned +wanes +wants +wards +wared +wares +warms +warns +warps +warts +warty +washy +wasps +waspy +waste +watch +water +watts +waved +waver +waves +waxed +waxer +waxes +weald +weans +wears +weary +weave +wedge +wedgy +weeds +weedy +weeks +weens +weeny +weeps +weepy +weigh +weird +weirs +welch +welds +wells +welsh +welts +wench +whack +whale +whams +whats +wheat +wheel +wheen +wheep +whelp +where +wheys +which +whiff +whigs +while +whims +whine +whiny +whirl +whish +whisk +white +whits +whole +whose +wicks +widen +wider +wides +widow +width +wield +wifes +wifey +wilds +wills +willy +wilts +wimps +wimpy +wince +winch +winds +windy +wined +wines +winey +wings +winks +wiped +wiper +wipes +wired +wires +wised +wiser +wisps +wispy +witch +witty +wived +wives +woful +woken +woman +women +wonky +woods +woody +wooed +wooer +wools +wooly +woops +woosh +woozy +words +wordy +works +world +worms +wormy +worry +worse +worst +worth +would +wound +woven +wowed +wrack +wrang +wraps +wrapt +wrath +wreak +wrest +wring +wrist +write +wrong +wrote +wrung +wussy +xenia +xerox +yacht +yacks +yahoo +yanks +yards +yarns +yawns +yeahs +years +yeast +yells +yelps +yeses +yield +yikes +yipes +yodel +yodle +yogas +yoked +yolks +young +yours +youth +yucky +yummy +yuppy +zaire +zappy +zeals +zebra +zeros +zests +zesty +zilch +zincs +zippy +zoned +zoner +zones +zonks +zooms -- cgit v1.2.1